Network Detective Vulnerability Scan
Identify threats and evaluate risk beyond system monitoring, firewalls, and anti-malware.
Last Review: February 17, 2020
Product(s): Network Detective
Author(s): Chris Todd
A cyberist created this article using the patented Delta Method by modernizing a typical approach.
Vulnerability scans identify threats and evaluate risk beyond system monitoring, firewalls, and anti-malware. The generated security reports provide management review and auditor compliance, while demonstrating customer privacy protection.
A common industry scam is the free network assessment offer where a vulnerability scan is run as a scare tactic. A vulnerability scan is useless without context of a system plan, monitoring reports, standard operating procedures, and compliance policies.
- Network Detective Application for importing vulnerability scans to generate reports and Network/Security Data Collector for running scans are downloaded from https://www.rapidfiretools.com/nd
- Other Rapidfire Tools are NOT covered in this document including: Exchange and SQL Assessments, PCI and HIPAA Compliance, Inspector, Reporter, Cyber Hawk, and Add-ons
- Push deploy tool and instructions for Mac, Linux, and VMWare are not covered in this document
- .NET 4.5.2 Framework and Windows Installer 4.5 or greater are required on the computer running any Network Detective software
- E-mail address and password are required for Network Detective Application login
- Branding dimensions for report cover logo are 600 x 150 pixels and optionally header logo may be smaller at 300 x 75 pixels
- Recommended reports are PowerPoint, Consolidated Risk, and Full Detail
- False positive or errant results must be evaluated for web filtering, updates, and antivirus definitions
- Old or unused computers, users (not logged in over 30 days), and groups lower security score
- Telnet and FTP on printers are flagged as open ports lowering security score
- Internet Speed Test and Whois check are unreliable and you may want to disable
- Wifi data is often excluded as a separate subnet and unreachable
- Wifi data is often excluded as a separate subnet and unreachable
- USB is often excluded as blocked by Group Policy in managed environments
- Domain administrator credentials are required for the Network/Security Data Collector
- Network/Security Data Collector installation is recommended on a Hpyerv host or non-critical server or administrator workstation
- Domain name and internal IP address range are required for Active Directory/Network scan
- Windows Management Instrumentation, Remote Registry, and PING must be enabled by Group Policy in Windows Firewall for data collection scanning
- Public IP address must be entered for the External Vulnerability Scan
- External domain name is required for Darkweb scan
- On an exception basis, an optional local scan may be run on unreachable computers without the network box checked and the results merged with the network scan
- Network scan may run a minimum of 2 to 4 hours which impacts network performance and should be performed during non-business hours
Network Detective Setup
- Download and install Network Detective from: https://www.rapidfiretools.com/nd
- Open Network Detective and login with assigned credentials
- Apply the latest updates for security and feature improvements if prompted
- Select Preferences and set global report defaults, theme/style, and logo
Network/Security Assessment Steps
- Open Network Detective and login with assigned credentials
- Create Site by Company Name
- Click on Start Project and select both Network Assessment and Security Assessment
- Add Assessment Label of Baseline-YYYYMMDD or Quarterly-YYYYMMDD
- Click the active Security Assessment for the site, select Initiate External Scan and enter the public IP range of the perimeter firewall which will take approximately 1 – 2 hours
- Go to the physical site to scan, download Network\Security Data Collector from: https://www.rapidfiretools.com/nd
- Unzip the files and Run as an Administrator
- Select Network Data Collector and Security Data Collector
- Next select Active Directory and local Domain, then enter Domain Administrator username and password and internal network IP range to scan
- Enter External Domains for Dark Web scan for compromised passwords
- Use Defaults for SNMP unless a custom community name is documented and provided
- Deselect all categories to opt out of User Control Tests, unless data collection is run on a workstation with web filtering
- Enable File Scanner for Personally Identifiable Information
- Verify and Run the Output Assessment File by company initials and date like XXX-YYYYMMDD (Zip file used next for Network Detective import)
Import Scans and Generate Reports
- Open Network Detective and login with assigned credentials
- Select Site desired, Import Scans browsing to output file above, and Create Reports for the active assessment
- Initial baseline scan is often a low security score and will likely need be run 1 – 2 more times after problem remediation and configuration exclusion before reviewing with management
- Security Risk reports must be reviewed in person along with associated work and action plans
- Vulnerability scans are recommended quarterly to annually for most industry compliance