
Overwatch® cybersecurity services implemented by cyberist specialists to avoid ransomware and business loss.

Scehdule Consult

Warning: Over 10% of Oklahoma businesses are attacked with ransomware each month. New cyberattacks are not only encrypting data, but copying confidential information for extortion while destroying backups and requiring full re-installation of the entire network.

Protect Privacy

Cybersecurity explained with benefits, myths, cost justification, and common questions.


Prepare Staff

Protect your organization and reputation from cyber criminals by starting from the inside-out.

Data Breach Training

Reduce Risk

3rd Party Cyber Risk Analysis by cyberist specialists to reduce liability.

Cyber Risk Analysis

  • Cyberist Specialists
  • Patented Process
  • Published Authority
  • Annually Audited

Overwatch Highlights

  • What is Overwatch? Annually updated cybersecurity support and services to avoid busines loss from cybercrime or cyberattack.
  • Cyber Trust. Trusted C Corporations using cyberist specialists with patent-pending process, industy security competency, published expertise, and public compliance audits.
  • Cloud Security. Reduce the risk of hostile work environment, data theft, and ransomware attack wherever your staff work.
  • Breach Protection. A comprehensive cyber risk solution for business to avoid willful negelect, reputation damage, and devastating loss or penalties from cybercrime.
  • Device Management. Report security compliance for encryption and vulnerabilities. Remotely scan, update, wipe, lock, and restart desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Risk Exam

Annual risk assessment, top policies/procedures, and employee training/testing for protection against malware and phising scams.

Ransomware Prevention

Added layer of cloud-delivered security that predictively blocks ransomware malware whether your employees are in the office or on the go.

Vulnerability Scan

3rd-Party vulnerability scan of network and cloud systems for cyber risk or regulation compliance with no admin credentials required.

Penetration Testing

Common Criteria evaluation for determining the trustworthiness of cloud applications or websites as provisioned by the CISA.

Advanced Firewall

Annual subscription for 2FA login, high-availability, integrated wireless, intrusion or change alerting, and deep packet inspection.

Related services that may be added or purchased separately.

Schedule Consult


Specialized IT support using patented process to reduce risk and avoid loss.


Online backup and disaster recovery to keep business running during challenging times.


Microsoft 365 and Azure cloud computing support to work anywhere securely.