Delta Methodology
Envision success, analyze feasibility, reverse engineer, and future optimize.
- Developed 1989
- Different Motivation
- Outcome Based
- Process Driven
- Patent Pending
The patent pending Delta Method was created by Kevin Fream in 1989 to uniquely solve business and technology problems using empathy, science, and acumen - resulting in thousands of worry-free, on-time, and on-budget projects as presented at Harvard, Nasdaq, and Microsoft.
By understanding that people have difficulty dealing with technology while removing traditional profit motives, we provide unbiased advice so clients may make informed decisions with little risk. Combining business acumen and scientific steps in niche industries consistently results in known outcomes.
Rather than “common knowledge” or industry consensus, the Delta Method is the world’s first patent-pending approach to implement and support information technology.
Visualize success and define business goals within a specialized competency with potential pain points and limitations discussed upfront. Protection of client data is paramount and adequate steps must be taken and anticipated for possible problems.
Evaluate and educate, present a plan and document configuration, implement per the plan approval, and provide ongoing monitoring and case management support using standard operating procedures and best practices.
Strict rules of engagement are followed and it is understood that technology problems are stressful and disruptive. Now more than ever, it's important to know features and follow the required manufacturer rules as to not void warranties or stray into unsupported or unfeasible situations.
If we teach simple resolutions and provide ready access to answers, you are self-reliant and there is less business disruption for all. Clients depend upon on us to maintain technology, keep up with new trends, and report good and bad news.
Common Questions
The Delta Method is as much a business philosophy of empathy and low risk as it is processes, procedures, and systems:
- Why is the Delta Method a better approach to solve business and technology problems? It's a proven framework used for over 30 years with hundreds of satisfied business customers and thousands of on-time and on-budget projects.
- How is the Delta Method different from other methodologies like Agile or Scrum? Unlike irrelevant project management frameworks for coding, Delta starts with empathy and unbiased evaluation of potential success or failure with upfront deliverables prior to implementation and continuous training on process improvement.
- Why was the Delta Method developed? Kevin Fream created the Delta Method in 1989 using concepts learned from the Collins School of Business after quickly discovering that no standard process existed to consistently evaluate, explain, and meet customer expectations for business and technology needs.
- What is envisioning? A frank discussion using patented Rules of Engagement of what is appropriate and feasible with known issues reviewed upfront and business justification with action plan for review.
- What is the analysis science? Analysis follows envisioning with upfront documentation and review of settings and risk points in a System Plan. The scientific method is then used to eliminate unnecessary risk and complexity in traditional implementation solutions with development of a Standard Operating Procedure.
- What are rules of engagement? These specialized practices are much like bedside manner training provided to doctors. Cyberists are trained weekly how to properly set expectations, what to say and not say, as well strict testing with personal follow-up.
- Why is an upfront System Plan before implementation important? Few clients have a consolidated document including logical overview diagram along with system, application, and security settings for maintenance and disaster recovery because typically little or no documentation is created after most projects. Developing a System Plan upfront prevents this potentially catastrophic omission and verifies mutually approved settings for implementation.
- What is optimization? Just like elite military units, each engagement results in a debrief and refined Standard Operating Procedures transparently published for clients.
- How does a patented methodology protect customers? Unfortunately, most IT firms make bold claims but have little process or no methodology. However, patents may be verified at the United States Patent and Trademark Office proving unique value and innovation.
- Don't all IT Service Providers use the Delta Method? No. Only vetted IT support firms that annually license and certify staff on the patented Delta Method from Matrixforce protect clients from bad implementation experiences and failures.
Take Action
If you have 25 staff or $5M in revenue and want vetted IT support, book an appointment.